Wednesday, April 14, 2010
jeng jeng JENG!!!!
I’m going to receive my results back in my hometown. Not like the previous terms, where my friends and I went to admin and collected our results. Moreover, being apart from my family members, they just sent sms to give encouragement (actually is another form of admonition) And by the way, my parents are going to escort me to the post office to GET IT!!! Yikes… I wouldn’t want to imagine the day to come…..
Thursday, April 8, 2010
I just received a news about the increase in tuition fees of my uni...
Degree course has increased by RM 40+K..SO worried >.< What am I gonna do? working 24 hours wont make up RM 40 K..Unless....we ROB THE BANK?(a friend suggested) How does that sound?
Hope everything goes well,and fit into the right place and time.. AMEN...hehehehe
Sunday, April 4, 2010
Examination week

It’s unbelievable! I'm out of AIMST, not because I'm kicked off, but I’ve just ended my course here.
Yesterday, I was having a hard time departing from each other. Some of them are certain that they are not going back for degree ( T.T ) There are no tears flowing from my eyes, but I just couldn’t stop my heart form bleeding tears. What is departing from each other mean to you? Staring at the TV showing AMERICAN IDOL
( finally, I get to see a TV set. AHAAH ), images of their faces kept reeling in my mind. How can I keep moving on? It was a feeling that was indescribable with words or expressions.
MATHEMATICS EXAM is OVER!!!! And I’ve to start to pack up. Thanks to Bee Ling , she helped my pack all my things. If not, I wouldn’t able to make it on time. AAHAHAHA. If there’s anything to pack, you can just give her a ring. AHAHHA. I was supposed to reply a msg from a friend but I was too busy packing. The feeling of remorse took charged of me.
As, we were rushing down to the warden’s room, I asked my friend to meet up before I go. Too bad, my aunt arrived. Bee ling and I ran back to our hostel and started to move those DAMN HEAVY BOXES all the way from 4th floor. THANKS to Vicky, she helped me bring down the HEAVIEST BOX ( BOOKS, FILES, PAPER ). It’s kind of weird saying Goodbye to Bee Ling and Vicky in a rush..I mean…really, my face was flushed into red, after running up and down the stairs for at least 8 times.
And here is the list that had happened during the 1 year foundation studies
1. Meet Awesome AWESOME friends from different states. ( I can tell you, how cool they are )
2. Changed hostel unit. (not easy though)
3. Introduced to a game *Frisbee (I must teach you how to play.AWESOME GAME!!)
4. Hairstyle changed (tremendously*) hahaha
5. Managed to attended Church service and Prayer meeting(though I attended during my final term XD)
6. Preached about the concept of live to Carmen ( hahahha)
1. The chat chat time I’ve always had with my roommates
2. Playing Frisbee
3. Eating, laughing, doing homework together, story time. Those moments that im not unable to encounter when im with my family ( it’s totally different )
4. Dancing “nobody” with roomies
5. ARGUING with VICKY PONY!!! Haha
6. Going to church with friends
7. Independent LIFE (I get to make my own decision)
8. 3 hours of sleeping life
9. Cook maggie for Carmen
10. Buy neslo for Vicky
Things to follow up....
1. Pick up guitar lessons
2. Work, Earn, and BUY new phone and SUPER JUNIOR LIVE CONCERT DVD
3. Nourished my hair till it grows to a length that satisfies me …
4. Play PS2 EVERYday.hahha
5. Learn how to drive again =.=
6. SLIM down ( body shape disorientated..ahaha after consuming much of AIMST’s CHICKEN )
Just a few more hours I’m leaving from Penang,(not able to stand on the same ground with all of you )
to SABAH!!!
Hope to see them around in real future.. They are just Awesome..
31 MARCH..was a disastrous day..
WHY?? I tell you why.. I was having my ENGLISH EXAM on that day, and everything went WRONG!!!
Losing my EXAM SLIP made my world turned upside down. I rushed all the way form library to the ADMIN and exam starts in 15 mins. Thank God, I was given a TEMPORARY SLIP..LOL..
While I was filling up the details, I thought to myself. “Why am I not fooled by someone? Isn’t it APRIL Fool's day?” Foolishly, I laughed at my friends quietly. They must have been busy preparing for ENGLISH Exam. So they had never thought of APRIL FOOL's day.
After the examination,(HAHAHAH) I questioned Carmen, “ Don’t you realize today is APRIL Fool's day?”. Instantaneously, she answered “ Grace, today is 31st of MARCH.” (=.=) Crap…I filled up my examination details with the DATE written 1 April 2010.
What a FINE DAY ~~( SO NOT!!)
1. I’ve forgotten to fill up 5 WATER BOTTLES that I carried in my bag around ( lazy to boil water during exam period..hahah)
2. Rushing back to hostel, didn’t stop by laundry room to collect my clothes ( I NEED MY CLOTHES!!! )
=.= I was dead beat, and all I wanted to do was to cook Maggie mee using HANABISHI water boiler and fill up my empty stomach that growled during the whole day. Indeed, it was embarrassing, when the examination hall was in total silence ( you just can hear it ! ) haha
LUCKY! Look what I’ve found? A BIG INSECT twirling happily inside the boiler (Hanabishi). ( steam emitting from my nose )
I just couldn’t stop complaining to Bee Ling and Carmen about the bad things had transpired.
The worst of all, I almost SLIPPED at cafeteria during dinner time as I was taking my 2nd round dinner (EVERYONE was THERE..and they have eyes) At that particular jiffy, I hoped the whole earth could just swallow me in..
I had enough of the bad things that had happened..and prayed for a nicer day for APRIL FOOL day..=.=…
However, I was fooled by Bee Ling, when she shouted there’s snake under Carmen’s bed. Foolishly I bend over and look for the snake ( dang! ) hahha. At night, I dashed out of the room and opened the door after picking up Geraldine’s phone call. She said she was out there waiting for me. And I couldn’t believe I fall for that. She was not in my sight when I unlock the door.
Damn tiring..but an INTERESTING day..HAHAHa