It's torturing looking at the picture above, if so happen you are looking with an empty stomach. HAA HAA
How foolish I can be. Desperately, dying, longing to go back home for this "never ending holidays".I would be at home by now taking care of my Guppies, if i urged and selfishly informing my parents that I want to go home during holidays.
You can say, I acted "macho" back then;
Mom questioned " Do u want to come home?"
I answered " Anything will do " *what the heck was I saying =.=*
and yes, I do agree the fact that I have been away from home for only about 3-4 months and is not necessarily to go home at this point of time.
"Do you have friends who are staying too?" she KINDLY asked.
" YEAH, I have LOTS" confidently I answered *acting macho*
regret of not being transparent enough? yeah, totally... All i can think of is 'tuaran mee','sang yuk pao','dim sum','tau fu fa'.........SUSH!!! that 's not the point though.
How can one celebrate Chinese New Year without family members *the parents* ?
It's winter season, I can't imagine how cold can be my CNY here in Kursk.. hmm?