Wednesday, March 30, 2011
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
I know your dirty lil' secret ; )

The thing I like about my hostel > a small cafeteria, we call KIOSK > a SoCIAL SITE > Gather LOTS and LOTS of Information > U know what I mean > Learning the things evolving around you > LAughters > PAINS > etc etc..> Looking forward for dinner at KIOSK.... HAA HAA
BUT THEN, I'm pissed and I ain't like to be a transporter, who transports ICE CREAM to a MINI FREEZER! freaking idiot to do such thing, thinking it was YOURS! GOSH.. what a fool I am being toy-ed!
World is turning, which means time is running out.People's response/attitude can changed so much that turned out to be unbelievable. Humbly to say, I did change.
Just like every famous TV series.* for an example, a very good one LEVERAGE! haa haa* There are new season for the new chapters. And it keeps getting better and better.
I noticed, I've becoming more aggressive with my speech and action. But of course, not to the extend of cursing with words and beating up people with my "great small fists".
Yesh, I might be shy *or anti-social* at first. And now, all I wanted to do is to be myself. and YES, I know I've been acting a lil' bit crazy these days, and is all because I'm starting to open up and ENJOY TO THE FULLEST!!!
But I do hope to control the adrenaline rush in me. I don't want to repeat it again, the krikit* krikit* moment which I have always failed to overcome it..=)
Just like every famous TV series.* for an example, a very good one LEVERAGE! haa haa* There are new season for the new chapters. And it keeps getting better and better.
I noticed, I've becoming more aggressive with my speech and action. But of course, not to the extend of cursing with words and beating up people with my "great small fists".
Yesh, I might be shy *or anti-social* at first. And now, all I wanted to do is to be myself. and YES, I know I've been acting a lil' bit crazy these days, and is all because I'm starting to open up and ENJOY TO THE FULLEST!!!
But I do hope to control the adrenaline rush in me. I don't want to repeat it again, the krikit* krikit* moment which I have always failed to overcome it..=)
Sunday, March 27, 2011
Awesome testimony by awesome people about our Awesome God!
btw..2 apples for a week? *claps*
btw..2 apples for a week? *claps*
Friday, March 25, 2011
Thursday, March 24, 2011
MV HD | Huh Gong (허공) & Hoony Hoon (후니훈) - 너만을 사랑해 [ft. Fei 페이 (Miss A)]
Haa haa never expected it will end that way =)
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
Monday, March 21, 2011
My friend and I were going back to our hostel from our friend's apartment last Saturday, 19 March 2011 at 7.30pm. As we advanced to the nearest bus stop, I caught sight of the moon. It was ROUND *very and BIG!
And somehow we crapped something about it.
Me: WOW...look at the full moon. So big and bright. (maybe the moon looks big from Russia, I thought to myself LOL )
Randy: Eh, we shouldn't be out here at this hour especially when it is full moon. Ghosts are everywhere.
Rose: No~, we should go eat crabs. Since it's full moon, crabs will come up to the surface and find food.
Me: Then we should go tomorrow and get our hands on seafood. Tonight, they'll be caught! MUAHAA HAA
Okay...And with all the silly stuff we said for the past 2 days, I noticed it was the SUPERMOON!!! my gosh.. How blessed!!!
Sunday, March 20, 2011
Saturday, March 19, 2011
Ice cream
Friday, March 18, 2011
Terrorist threat (university) ENG
State University again "mined"
Kursk State University
March 15 the second time in two days for an e-mail the Rector of Kursk State University reported zaminirovanii building the school.
The building of the university were immediately sent to all first responders. Information about zaminirovanii not been confirmed.
According to law enforcement officials, are currently under the operational-search actions to establish the identity of the telephone terrorists and collect material for a criminal case.
According to Article 22 of the Criminal Code for a false call about a terrorist act could face a fine of up to 200,000 rubles, remedial work within 1-2 years, the arrest of 3 to 6 months or imprisonment for up to 3 years. The punishment depends on the consequences that resulted false call.
"Virtual" subversives, not only inflict millions of rubles in damages, but also distract the intelligence services and law enforcement agencies to combat the real terrorists.
The average damage from a false report about the terrorist attack can range from several thousand to 1,5 million rubles. It is likely that soon the money will recover themselves lzheterroristov. If the author calls - a minor, then the pay will be his parents. Perhaps, this measure will cool the ardor of "pranksters. "
EMERCOM Russia's Kursk region appeals to all kuryanam requested to be more attentive and careful to remain vigilant to any emergency. Remember that in working single emergency number "112".
Big thanks to Google translator. HAA HAA
State University again "mined"
Kursk State University
March 15 the second time in two days for an e-mail the Rector of Kursk State University reported zaminirovanii building the school.
The building of the university were immediately sent to all first responders. Information about zaminirovanii not been confirmed.
According to law enforcement officials, are currently under the operational-search actions to establish the identity of the telephone terrorists and collect material for a criminal case.
According to Article 22 of the Criminal Code for a false call about a terrorist act could face a fine of up to 200,000 rubles, remedial work within 1-2 years, the arrest of 3 to 6 months or imprisonment for up to 3 years. The punishment depends on the consequences that resulted false call.
"Virtual" subversives, not only inflict millions of rubles in damages, but also distract the intelligence services and law enforcement agencies to combat the real terrorists.
The average damage from a false report about the terrorist attack can range from several thousand to 1,5 million rubles. It is likely that soon the money will recover themselves lzheterroristov. If the author calls - a minor, then the pay will be his parents. Perhaps, this measure will cool the ardor of "pranksters. "
EMERCOM Russia's Kursk region appeals to all kuryanam requested to be more attentive and careful to remain vigilant to any emergency. Remember that in working single emergency number "112".
Big thanks to Google translator. HAA HAA
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
Terrorist threat (university)
Госуниверситет снова "заминировали"
Курский государственный университет
15.03.11 15:43
Фото: kursksu.ru
15 марта второй раз за последние два дня на электронную почту ректора Курского Государственного университета поступило сообщение о заминировании здания учебного заведения.
К зданию ВУЗа незамедлительно были направлены все службы экстренного реагирования. Информация о заминировании не подтвердилась.
По словам сотрудников правоохранительных органов, в настоящее время проводятся оперативно-розыскные мероприятия по установлению личности телефонного террориста и сбор материалов для возбуждения уголовного дела.
Согласно ст.22 Уголовного кодекса за ложный звонок об акте терроризма может грозить штраф до 200 тысяч рублей, исправительные работы сроком 1-2 года, арест от 3 до 6 месяцев или лишение свободы до 3 лет. Мера наказания зависит от последствий, к которым привел ложный вызов.
"Виртуальные" подрывники не только наносят государству миллионы рублей ущерба, но и отвлекают спецслужбы и правоохранительные органы от борьбы с реальными террористами.
Средний ущерб от одного ложного сообщения о теракте может составлять от нескольких тысяч до 1,5 миллиона рублей. Есть вероятность, что скоро эти деньги будут взыскивать с самих лжетеррористов. Если автор звонка - несовершеннолетний, то платить будут его родители. Возможно, эта мера охладит пыл "шутников".
ГУ МЧС России по Курской области обращается ко всем курянам с просьбой быть внимательнее и осторожнее, не терять бдительности в любой чрезвычайной ситуации. Помните о том, что в области работает Единый номер вызова экстренных служб "112".
Госуниверситет снова "заминировали"
Курский государственный университет
15.03.11 15:43
Фото: kursksu.ru
15 марта второй раз за последние два дня на электронную почту ректора Курского Государственного университета поступило сообщение о заминировании здания учебного заведения.
К зданию ВУЗа незамедлительно были направлены все службы экстренного реагирования. Информация о заминировании не подтвердилась.
По словам сотрудников правоохранительных органов, в настоящее время проводятся оперативно-розыскные мероприятия по установлению личности телефонного террориста и сбор материалов для возбуждения уголовного дела.
Согласно ст.22 Уголовного кодекса за ложный звонок об акте терроризма может грозить штраф до 200 тысяч рублей, исправительные работы сроком 1-2 года, арест от 3 до 6 месяцев или лишение свободы до 3 лет. Мера наказания зависит от последствий, к которым привел ложный вызов.
"Виртуальные" подрывники не только наносят государству миллионы рублей ущерба, но и отвлекают спецслужбы и правоохранительные органы от борьбы с реальными террористами.
Средний ущерб от одного ложного сообщения о теракте может составлять от нескольких тысяч до 1,5 миллиона рублей. Есть вероятность, что скоро эти деньги будут взыскивать с самих лжетеррористов. Если автор звонка - несовершеннолетний, то платить будут его родители. Возможно, эта мера охладит пыл "шутников".
ГУ МЧС России по Курской области обращается ко всем курянам с просьбой быть внимательнее и осторожнее, не терять бдительности в любой чрезвычайной ситуации. Помните о том, что в области работает Единый номер вызова экстренных служб "112".
Am I responsible for myself?
Friday, March 11, 2011
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
Leaning on you =)
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
RRrring~~~~...phone alarm rang consistently. I reached out my arm to grab my mobile phone and turned off the alarm. Rolled to another side of the bed, I forced my eyes open. My vision went blur. A few seconds later, the indistinct appearance transformed into a milky blue background. AH~~...it was the sky I was looking through the window.A sign of the new season,Spring~...=)
Sunday, March 6, 2011
My turn? O.o
LOL..I'm so glad you share about it and problem solved... And now, my turn?
Yeah I understand the difficulties.
Yeah I understand the difficulties.
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
Let's called it a day
Though u might not know, I wrote about you but I'm so glad that you are here. Wrapping up the day by having a nice talk with you, sharing different thoughts and opinions.=)
I hope you do enjoy it too.
And definitely, I had a whale of a time till I fall asleep.
Thanks for the company. =D
I hope you do enjoy it too.
And definitely, I had a whale of a time till I fall asleep.
Thanks for the company. =D
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