
Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Это пытки, чтобы узнать, когда вы узнали, что вы были необходимы, как более высокая цифра, а не для того, кто вы есть. : (


oih~ ... abandon ... and back =) I am more than ecstatic to identify a sign of receiving an email about my Elective Posting from the officer. Yup, I'm conducting my practicals in Hospital Queen Elizabeth 2, Kota Kinabalu during the summer break. YEAH~ 3 weeks of practicals.

Fear took over my body, when I did not receive any feedback from the officer earlier on. I was told, they will give me a reply the next day after I have sent the documents. Moreover, some hospitals are only accepting a certain amount of students. But praise God I GOT IT!
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