Everyone has been given a pair of eyes, nose and mouth. It's up to us to utilized it in a way which benefits us or just for pleasure (harmful in other words). I admit that I'm not ALL PERFECT, there's none stupid stuff I've never done. Gossiping is a natural activity. I'm not sure about you, but it is definitely part of me and trying my best not to. In all situation it hurts all parties who are involved in dramas. Lucky me, I moved on from a petty point of life in secondary school to college and now University level, where I mind my own business.
At some point of time, we are out of hands to please everyone. My priority is what I concerned about the most. And since I've said " my Priority" it means they deserve a prior attention and I've to turn down others. Receiving a feedback from a friend that, XX is not feeling okay about the unwillingness of me helping out, just made me speechless. At that particular jiffy, I realize there's nothing that can be argued of. Obviously, is not a type of gossip, but a statement is made. Because of this, I wished so hard to be far apart from society and community.-Wouldn't have anything to do with them and nothing to be blame of or to be criticized.- (of course it's not "FOREVER ALONE"-gag-)
Snap* This is how the world rolls. It'll be the same and will never change.
A life is not important, except in the impact it has on other lives.
— Jackie Robinson. To give an influential impact depends on the choices we make and how we respond to it.
Nevertheless, My priority is still MY PRIORITY, but I chose not to hold onto the negativity said by others , but to let myself a chance to rebuilt a better person in me.
Have a nice day =)