I WOKE UP, grabbed my phone and not aware that I've just received a sms from a friend, dashed to the living room for no reason. I saw my HOUSEMATE and asked " Eh?, U can wake up that early ?"
( used to be her alarm clock, but hardly ever wake her up ) . She smiled ear to ear, and laughed at me. I wondered why. Instantaneously, i caught sight of the digit numbers on the screen of my mobile phone, it was 12.45 am...
I must have mistaken the msg ringtone as alarm to wake me up at 5 am....dragged my feet back to my room and made my way to my slumber land.
Im still wondering, why my friend, say goodnight to me at that hour... Study week drives me crazy... =.=...
HAHAHA..today is the LAST SATURDAY at AImst...
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