Day 1 was TIRING!!!..
Met with new friends which happened to be my roommates..*AWESOME*
Arrived at Dubai, and my mobile phone wasn't cooperative enough. *suan le ba~*
Waited for 3-4 hours at the Dubai airport and wandered off with friends at the airport of course. haa haa
Arrived at Moscow, and I froze! Everyone was pushing their trolley to another side of the road. And so it happened, something HILARIOUS!My friend's luggage just dropped off on the road and block the way of a driver. Well, I'm glad everything goes well after that except for my phone =.=. haa haa
We got into a bus and were en route to KURSK! We were served with 2 MacD chicken burger and no one touched their food. All were deadbeat! As everyone was trying to get some sleep, the sky turned dark.
"Are we there yet ?!!" that's the question I've been asking the whole day. HAA HAA
Fortunately, we arrived at so called "4th hostel"at 12am. Not really anticipate to see how my room was.BUT when i peek into the toilet, my heart SHRIEKED.* U do understand what I mean* haa haa
Feeling out of hope for a few seconds, I unpacked SOME STUFF, get cleaned and SLEEP~~....* Im happy with my room because it's furnished*
Woke up at 4am, because is 8am in Malaysia. Apart from that, is FREAKING COLD!
Did some documentation at my UNI...dang! it costs so much.
And Im feeling so "lucky" that my phone is not FUNCTIONING AT ALL! and It was a hard time for me to contact with my parents...
I went around..*roaming* with seniors to buy stuff to get ready for the winter.
There's this place called RINAK* ( pasar ) haa haa..I hope to bring Mom to Kursk not because I miss her (well I do miss HER LOTS XD)but IT IS HEAVEN for her.
Day 4
YUP! I still ahve seniors around to bring me to a SUPERMARKET..and WOW..BEERS, VODKA!!! so tempted but not buying it. HAA HAA..
Bought extra hangers.
Just to keep myself entertained, I went to buy a NOKIA phone without camera, mp3 and etc..u name it! =.=
My considerate roommates suggested to buy a heater since I've been waking up very early because of my cold hands.
bought 2 autumn jackets to keep myself alive en route to my uni. *OH YEAH, the journey from my hostel takes me about 30 mins to reach my UNI, I mean by walking* so it is very important to get warm!
next day
INTERNET!!! yup I PAID for the internet connection but, the technicians will be coming the next day to fix the connection into our computer..
the day after "the next day" HAA HAA
we bought refrigerator.and will be sent to our hostel the next four days.=.=
Thanks to one of the seniors, he brought me back to NEWYOKERS to change my jacket, which i found a hole in the pocket.
For each class that I attend, is a must to wear a lab coat. So, the Sabahan seniors brought us to buy the lab coat and medical cap. =)
A week passed *yup time flies
I bought a winter coat at ADIDAS!!!!!!! haa haa so happy!
Since it was so cold during mid autumn, I think the shop off the air conditioner and had very poor ventilation. I fell sick.
and bla bla bla..got panadol and etc
We had our orientation and performed some "performance" haa haa..
Then, I rushed to attend a church service since the orientation took up some time.
When the church service, I headed back to my hostel and dozed off.ZZZZzzzZZZ
The following day...
We went out to rinak* again and bought boots,hat, socks and gloves. HAA HAA. Do u know how we communicate with the russians?? HAA HAA..Simple, we read the whole book of the eng-russ dictionary...........HAA HAA.JOKING!!..I met a friend. sort of long lost friend. haa haa..So glad to have him, helping us to translate
Day 100
Just like any days before school reopens, we went to buy stationary..haa haa
huh~~ THAT's all! "I ENJOY KURSK" LOL
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